To register as a Candidate, or organize as a Committee, Constituent Service Program or Statehood Fund, one may register online or download and complete the registration forms—provided in PDF format—and submit them to the OCF office according to the specific instructions included within each form. This does not apply to candidates for ANC.
Online Registration Instructions for All Filer Types
To Register Online, Please contact Kamill Key, Public Affairs Manager at (202)221-8678 or [email protected] to receive a code to proceed with Online Registration. Once you have the code please register here. At this time, Online Registration is not available for candidates who wish to participate in the Fair Elections Program.
- Downloadable OCF Forms
- Campaign Finance Disclosure Forms-used by candidates and political committees to register with OCF and report their receipts and expenditures
- Constituent-Service Program Forms-used by elected officials who have established citizen-service programs and must report their receipts and expenditures on a quarterly basis.
- Senators and Representatives Forms-used by DC Senators and Representatives filing reports of Receipts and Expenditures for Statehood Fund.
- Additional OCF Forms-such as Legal Defense Fund Registration.
- Fair Elections Program Forms-used by candidates to register into the Fair Elections Program
These forms are for the use of candidates, committees, Constituent Service Program, and Statehood Funds to register with the Office of Campaign Finance and report their receipts and expenditures.