Any person may request that the Office of Campaign Finance (OCF) undertake an investigation by submitting a complaint in the form of a signed written statement setting forth an allegation that constitutes a potential violation of the Campaign Finance Act of 2011. The written statement should be as specific as possible, identifying the full name and address of the complainant and the respondent, and contain a clear and concise statement of facts. The statement should also be verified by the complainant under oath and include supporting documentation, if any.
A request for investigation should be forwarded to the following address:
The Office of Campaign Finance
Attention: Director
1015 Half Street, SE, Suite 775
Washington, DC 20003
Within 10 days of receipt of the request, the director will acknowledge a written request for investigation with a notification as to whether the matter alleged will be investigated. If the director determines to open an investigation, the matter will be referred to the OCF Office of the General Counsel. The general counsel will have 90 days to investigate the matter and submit a recommendation to the director. Upon request to the Board of Elections with a showing of good cause, the investigatory period may be extended no more than 90 days. At the conclusion of an investigation, the general counsel will submit a recommendation to the director which may include the imposition of civil penalties for a violation of the Campaign Finance Act of 2011. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the general counsel, the director may agree and so order or disagree and order a different remedy.
An affected party of an OCF order may appeal to the Board of Elections, within 15 days of the issuance by the director of the order, in accordance with the rules of the Board of Elections.
If a fine is imposed by the director, it shall become effective on the 16th day following the issuance of a decision and order, if the respondent does not request an appeal of the matter.
OCF also initiates investigations as a result of information gleaned from the media and staff review of reports and other documentation filed with OCF.