The Online Filing System, developed by the Office of Campaign Finance, receives online filing submissions via an electronic format. The system supports the online filing and certification of financial reports by candidates, principal campaign committees, political action committees, independent expenditure committees, constituent service and statehood fund programs, legal defense funds, and exploratory, inaugural and transition committees
In addition to new reports (or current reports) that are filed, amendments to previous filings, including changes, additions or deletions may be submitted at any time.
Filers can navigate the OCF website and file, as well as certify the authenticity of reports in a secure password-protected environment. OCF business rules are incorporated in the design of the software for validation checks and flagging errors. Other features include:
- Print/Preview capability
- Final and amended report submission, to exclude redundant processes
- Compatibility for key data entry for paper filings
New Filers
New filers must register with OCF by filing a Statement of Candidacy (Candidates) or Statement of Organization (Committees, Constituent Service or Statehood Fund Programs) before using the Online Filing System. Register online or fill out the paper-based pre-registration forms and submit them according to the included directions to the Office of Campaign Finance. The OCF will then assign a user ID, password and PIN Number to enable the online filing of financial reports at this website. Please contact OCF for the login details.
What Forms Can You File Online?
The Electronic Filing and Reporting System will allow users to submit the following forms online:
- Report of Receipts and Expenditures (OCF Form 16)
- Report of Receipts and Expenditures for Citizen-Service Program (OCF Form 10)
- Summary Financial Statement for ANC Candidates (OCF Form 18)
- Report of Receipts and Expenditures Senators and Representatives (OCF Form 28)
- Reports of Receipts and Expenditures for Legal Defense Committees (OCF Form 31)