
The D.C. Office of Campaign Finance (OCF) will conduct informal training seminars throughout Calendar Year 2025 for candidates for elective office, and the treasurers and officers of political committees, including political action committees, independent expenditure committees, constituent services programs, legal defense committees, transition committees, inaugural committees, and Statehood funds programs. Please note that attendance at any of these sessions will not satisfy the attendance requirement for candidates and treasurers at the mandatory OCF Entrance Conference.

The Office of Campaign Finance provides easy access to all contributions and expenditure reported from January 1, 2003 through the current reporting period.

View Financial Disclosure Statement activity and filers, filed between May 2005 through May 2011.

View archived OCF communications and lobbyist activity for January 2002 through July 2012.

These reports summarize receipts and expenditures of candidates for public office and political committees for 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023

The Office of Campaign Finance conducts mandatory training sessions for candidates and treasurers.

Access all contributions and expenditures reported from 2003 through the current reporting period.

This information may be searched, sorted, viewed and downloaded in either CSV or XML formats.

Submit financial reports electronically using a web-based reporting system.

Register for the Online Filing System to complete the pre-registration forms.

Use our online form to request a written Interpretative Opinion concerning the application of the DC Campaign Finance Act of 2011.

Report a violation of the Campaign Finance Act of 2011 and request an investigation.